
Interface Statement


[ accessmodifier ] [Shadows] Interface name
End Interface
accessmodifier optional; Keyword

One of the following keywords, which determines the visibility of the interface:

Public optional; Keyword

Indicates that the interface is publicly accessible anywhere both inside and outside of the project.

Private optional; Keyword

Indicates that the interface is accessible to any nested types, as well as to the type (if any) in which it is defined.

Protected optional; Keyword

Indicates that the interface is accessible only to derived classes; a protected interface can only be declared inside of a class.

Friend optional; Keyword

Indicates that the interface is accessible only within the project that contains the interface definition.

Protected Friend optional; Keyword

Indicates that the interface is declared inside of a class and that it is accessible throughout the project that contains the interface definition, as well as to derived classes.

Shadows optional; Keyword

Indicates that the interface shadows an identically named element in a base class.

name required; String literal

The name of the interface.

statements required

Code that defines the interface members that derived classes must implement.


Defines a virtual base class along with its public members. The interface can then be implemented by derived classes using the Implements statement.

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