Collection Objects



Collection.Add method

Adds a member to a Collection object

Collection.Count method

Indicates the number of items stored to a Collection object

Collection.Item method

Retrieves a member from a Collection object based on its key value or its ordinal position

Collection.Remove method

Removes the member associated with a given key or ordinal position from a Collection object

Hashtable.Add method

Adds a key-value pair to a HashTable object

Hashtable.Clear method

Removes all entries from the hash table

Hashtable.ContainsKey method

Indicates whether a given key exists among the hash table’s items

Hashtable.ContainsValue method

Indicates whether a given value exists among the hash table’s items

Hashtable.CopyTo method

Copies hash table values into an array of DictionaryEntry structures

Hashtable.Count property

Indicates the total number of elements in the hash table

Hashtable.Item property

Retrieves the value of a hash table item given its key

Hashtable.Keys property

Returns an ICollection object that contains the keys in the hash table

Hashtable.Remove method

Removes a key/value pair from the hash table

Hashtable.Values property

Returns an ICollection object that contains the values in the hash table

Queue.Clear method

Clears all items in the queue

Queue.Contains method

Indicates whether the queue contains a particular object

Queue.CopyTo method

Copies the ...

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