


This MustInherit class represents a node in a document. A node is the basic object described by the Document Object Model for XML. A node can be an element, an element’s attributes, the DOCTYPE declaration, a comment, or the entire document itself. Nodes are ordered in a hierarchical tree in which child, parent, and sibling relationships are “known” by each node.

The XmlNode class is the parent object of the specific node type classes. The properties of this class expose the intrinsic values of the node: NamespaceURI, NodeType, parent, child, sibling nodes, etc. The methods allow a node to add to or removed from a node tree (in the context of an XmlDocument or XmlDocumentFragment), with respect to a reference node.

Public MustInherit Class XmlNode : Implements ICloneable, IEnumerable, System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable
' Public Instance Properties
   Overridable Public ReadOnly Property Attributes As XmlAttributeCollection  
   Overridable Public ReadOnly Property BaseURI As String  
   Overridable Public ReadOnly Property ChildNodes As XmlNodeList  
   Overridable Public ReadOnly Property FirstChild As XmlNode  
   Overridable Public ReadOnly Property HasChildNodes As Boolean  
   Overridable Public Property InnerText As String  
   Overridable Public Property InnerXml As String  
   Overridable Public ReadOnly Property IsReadOnly As Boolean  
   Overridable Public Default ReadOnly Property Item(
        ByVal name As String) As XmlElement  
   Overridable Public Default ReadOnly Property Item( ByVal localname As ...

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