


This class is a MustInherit parent class for the character data node types: XmlCDataSection, XmlComment, XmlSignificantWhitespace, XmlText, and XmlWhitespace. It defines methods for manipulating the text-based data of these nodes.

Public MustInherit Class XmlCharacterData : Inherits XmlLinkedNode
' Protected Constructors
   Protected Friend Sub New(ByVal data As String, 
        ByVal doc As XmlDocument) 
' Public Instance Properties
   Overridable Public Property Data As String  
   Overrides Public Property InnerText As String  
   Overridable Public ReadOnly Property Length As Integer  
   Overrides Public Property Value As String  
' Public Instance Methods
   Overridable Public Sub AppendData( ByVal strData As String) 
   Overridable Public Sub DeleteData(ByVal offset As Integer, 
        ByVal count As Integer) 
   Overridable Public Sub InsertData(ByVal offset As Integer, 
        ByVal strData As String) 
   Overridable Public Sub ReplaceData(ByVal offset As Integer, 
        ByVal count As Integer, ByVal strData As String) 
   Overridable Public Function Substring(
        ByVal offset As Integer, 
        ByVal count As Integer) As String  
End Class


System.Object XmlNode(System.ICloneable, System.Collections.IEnumerable, System.Xml.XPath.IXPathNavigable)XmlLinkedNode XmlCharacterData


XmlCDataSection, XmlComment, XmlSignificantWhitespace, XmlText, XmlWhitespace

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