


These attributes are specified on a parameter. When the parameter has a default value, HasDefault is asserted. Optional, Out, In, and Retval all behave as you would expect them to. If a parameter has no attribute, None must be marked alone. If the parameter contains locale identifying information, Lcid should be set. Lastly, if the parameter is for marshaling information, HasFieldMarshal is asserted.

Public Enum ParameterAttributes
                  None = &H000000000
                  In = &H000000001
                  Out = &H000000002
                  Lcid = &H000000004
                  Retval = &H000000008
                  Optional = &H000000010
                  HasDefault = &H000001000
                  HasFieldMarshal = &H000002000
                  Reserved3 = &H000004000
                  Reserved4 = &H000008000
                  ReservedMask = &H00000F000
End Enum


System.ObjectSystem.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) ParameterAttributes

Returned By


Passed To

System.Reflection.Emit.ConstructorBuilder.DefineParameter(), System.Reflection.Emit.MethodBuilder.DefineParameter()

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