


This enumeration contains values for setting flags for socket messages. SocketFlags are provided to Socket.Send() and Socket.Receive() to specify parameters for how data is transferred. The OutOfBand flag tells the socket to process out-of-band data in the stream. DontRoute tells the socket to send data to the remote endpoint without using routing tables.

Public Enum SocketFlags
                  None = &H000000000
                  OutOfBand = &H000000001
                  Peek = &H000000002
                  DontRoute = &H000000004
                  MaxIOVectorLength = &H000000010
                  Partial = &H000008000
End Enum


System.ObjectSystem.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) SocketFlags

Passed To

Socket.{BeginReceive(), BeginReceiveFrom(), BeginSend(), BeginSendTo(), Receive(), ReceiveFrom(), Send(), SendTo()}

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