


This enumeration is used to set the AttributeUsageAttribute.ValidOn property when creating a custom attribute. It allows you to specify the code elements for which a custom attribute can be used. You can use a bitwise combination of these values to specify multiple elements.

Using this attribute is the only means by which a custom attribute can declare a restriction of its usage against various metadata types. For example, when using the System.Reflection.AssemblyKeyFileAttribute attribute, which simply tells the compiler which public/private keyfile to use to sign the assembly, it makes no sense to apply to any other metadata type besides the assembly. Therefore, the AssemblyKeyFileAttribute attribute has an AttributeUsageAttribute (see the AttributeUsageAttribute entry) declared on it with the value Assembly. As a result, any attempt to use the AssemblyKeyFileAttribute attribute on anything other than an assembly results in a compilation error.

Public Enum AttributeTargets
                  Assembly = &H000000001
                  Module = &H000000002
                  Class = &H000000004
                  Struct = &H000000008
                  Enum = &H000000010
                  Constructor = &H000000020
                  Method = &H000000040
                  Property = &H000000080
                  Field = &H000000100
                  Event = &H000000200
                  Interface = &H000000400
                  Parameter = &H000000800
                  Delegate = &H000001000
                  ReturnValue = &H000002000
                  All = &H000003FFF
End Enum


ObjectValueType Enum(IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible) AttributeTargets

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