


This MustInherit class represents a network address. It is extended by IPEndPoint, which represents an IP network address. It could later be extended to represent other kinds of networking endpoints for other protocol stacks beyond TCP/IP.

Public MustInherit Class EndPoint
                  ' Protected Constructors
   Protected Sub New() 
' Public Instance Properties
   Overridable Public ReadOnly Property AddressFamily As AddressFamily  
' Public Instance Methods
   Overridable Public Function Create(
        ByVal socketAddress As SocketAddress) As EndPoint  
   Overridable Public Function Serialize() As SocketAddress  
End Class



Returned By

IPEndPoint.Create(), System.Net.Sockets.Socket.{LocalEndPoint, RemoteEndPoint}, System.Net.Sockets.TcpListener.LocalEndpoint

Passed To

System.Net.Sockets.Socket.{BeginConnect(), BeginReceiveFrom(), BeginSendTo(), Bind(), Connect(), EndReceiveFrom(), ReceiveFrom(), SendTo()}

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