


The values of this enumeration specify the specific category of a character defined by the Unicode standard. This enumeration supports the System.Char class in determining properties of Unicode characters such as case with regard to the CultureInfo setting.

Public Enum UnicodeCategory
                  UppercaseLetter = 0
                  LowercaseLetter = 1
                  TitlecaseLetter = 2
                  ModifierLetter = 3
                  OtherLetter = 4
                  NonSpacingMark = 5
                  SpacingCombiningMark = 6
                  EnclosingMark = 7
                  DecimalDigitNumber = 8
                  LetterNumber = 9
                  OtherNumber = 10
                  SpaceSeparator = 11
                  LineSeparator = 12
                  ParagraphSeparator = 13
                  Control = 14
                  Format = 15
                  Surrogate = 16
                  PrivateUse = 17
                  ConnectorPunctuation = 18
                  DashPunctuation = 19
                  OpenPunctuation = 20
                  ClosePunctuation = 21
                  InitialQuotePunctuation = 22
                  FinalQuotePunctuation = 23
                  OtherPunctuation = 24
                  MathSymbol = 25
                  CurrencySymbol = 26
                  ModifierSymbol = 27
                  OtherSymbol = 28
                  OtherNotAssigned = 29
End Enum


System.ObjectSystem.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) UnicodeCategory

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