


This class defines how numbers are displayed according to culture and language. Formats for currency and its symbols and types of numeric formats, such as scientific and hexadecimal notations and their separators, are described by the properties of this class. As with DateTimeFormatInfo, a set of standard numeric formats is predefined and specified by format characters.

The default property values apply to the invariant culture settings. The culture-specific NumberFormatInfo instance is retrieved by CurrentInfo, which is determined by the CultureInfo of the current thread or environment.

Public NotInheritable Class NumberFormatInfo : Implements ICloneable, IFormatProvider
' Public Constructors
   Public Sub New() 
' Public Shared Properties
   Public Shared ReadOnly Property CurrentInfo As NumberFormatInfo  
   Public Shared ReadOnly Property InvariantInfo As NumberFormatInfo  
' Public Instance Properties
   Public Property CurrencyDecimalDigits As Integer  
   Public Property CurrencyDecimalSeparator As String  
   Public Property CurrencyGroupSeparator As String  
   Public Property CurrencyGroupSizes As Integer()  
   Public Property CurrencyNegativePattern As Integer  
   Public Property CurrencyPositivePattern As Integer  
   Public Property CurrencySymbol As String  
   Public ReadOnly Property IsReadOnly As Boolean  
   Public Property NaNSymbol As String  
   Public Property NegativeInfinitySymbol As String  
   Public Property NegativeSign As String  
   Public Property NumberDecimalDigits As Integer Public Property ...

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