


This class defines methods of string comparison that follow culture-specific rules. The CultureInfo.CompareInfo property contains an instance of this class. The Compare() method and other string searching methods, such as IndexOf() and IsPrefix(), can be passed a set of CompareOptions, which provide culture-specific flags related to strings. The GetCompareInfo() method is used instead of a public constructor to retrieve an instance of this class.

Public Class CompareInfo : Implements System.Runtime.Serialization.IDeserializationCallback
' Public Instance Properties
   Public ReadOnly Property LCID As Integer  
' Public Shared Methods
   Public Shared Function GetCompareInfo(
        ByVal culture As Integer) As CompareInfo  
   Public Shared Function GetCompareInfo(
        ByVal culture As Integer, 
        ByVal assembly As System.Reflection.Assembly) As CompareInfo  
   Public Shared Function GetCompareInfo(
        ByVal name As String) As CompareInfo  
   Public Shared Function GetCompareInfo(ByVal name As String, 
        ByVal assembly As System.Reflection.Assembly) As CompareInfo  
' Public Instance Methods
   Overridable Public Function Compare(
        ByVal string1 As String, ByVal offset1 As Integer, 
        ByVal length1 As Integer, ByVal string2 As String, 
        ByVal offset2 As Integer, 
        ByVal length2 As Integer) As Integer  
   Overridable Public Function Compare( ByVal string1 As String, ByVal offset1 As Integer, ByVal length1 As Integer, ByVal string2 As String, ByVal offset2 As Integer, ByVal length2 As Integer, ByVal options As CompareOptions) ...

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