


This enumeration represents the different types of access that can be granted to executing code. Administer allows full control over a PerformanceCounter, while Browse allows you to view, but not modify PerformanceCounter data. Instrument allows the code to act as a performance counter (you may read and write, but not create, categories). None explicitly denies access to a PerformanceCounterCategory.

Public Enum PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess
                  None = &H000000000
                  Browse = &H000000002
                  Instrument = &H000000006
                  Administer = &H00000000E
End Enum


System.ObjectSystem.ValueType System.Enum(System.IComparable, System.IFormattable, System.IConvertible) PerformanceCounterPermissionAccess

Returned By

PerformanceCounterPermissionAttribute.PermissionAccess, PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry.PermissionAccess

Passed To

PerformanceCounterPermission.PerformanceCounterPermission(), PerformanceCounterPermissionAttribute.PermissionAccess, PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry.PerformanceCounterPermissionEntry()

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