


This MustInherit base class is used to implement specialized dictionary style collections. Classes derived from DictionaryBase allow for strongly typed key and value pairs. A set of protected instance methods is defined to be overridden by derived classes. These methods allow a class to specify customized processes when functions are performed on the derived object. For example, OnSet() lets you perform a function before you set a new element in the dictionary, while OnSetComplete() lets you perform a function after a value is set.

Public MustInherit Class DictionaryBase : Implements IDictionary, ICollection, IEnumerable
' Protected Constructors
   Protected Sub New() 
' Public Instance Properties
   Public ReadOnly Property Count As Integer Implements ICollection.Count 
' Protected Instance Properties
   Protected Property Dictionary As IDictionary  
   Protected Property InnerHashtable As Hashtable  
' Public Instance Methods
   Public Sub Clear() Implements IDictionary.Clear 
   Public Sub CopyTo(ByVal array As Array, 
        ByVal index As Integer) Implements ICollection.CopyTo 
   Public Function GetEnumerator(
        ) As IDictionaryEnumerator Implements IDictionary.GetEnumerator 
' Protected Instance Methods
   Overridable Protected Sub OnClear() 
   Overridable Protected Sub OnClearComplete() 
   Overridable Protected Function OnGet(ByVal key As Object, 
        ByVal currentValue As Object) As Object  
   Overridable Protected Sub OnInsert(ByVal key As Object, 
        ByVal value As Object) 
   Overridable Protected Sub 

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