


This enumeration specifies the type of an object. It is available for all objects that implement the IConvertible interface. If the object does not implement this interface, use its GetType() method (derived from System.Object) to return an instance of the Type class, which provides a Type.GetTypeCode() method.

The TypeCode enumeration includes members for most simple value types. If you use this method on an object that is not explicitly represented in this enumeration, the catch-all value Object is returned.

Public Enum TypeCode
                  Empty = 0
                  Object = 1
                  DBNull = 2
                  Boolean = 3
                  Char = 4
                  SByte = 5
                  Byte = 6
                  Int16 = 7
                  UInt16 = 8
                  Int32 = 9
                  UInt32 = 10
                  Int64 = 11
                  UInt64 = 12
                  Single = 13
                  Double = 14
                  Decimal = 15
                  DateTime = 16
                  String = 18
End Enum


ObjectValueType Enum(IComparable, IFormattable, IConvertible) TypeCode

Returned By

Multiple types

Passed To

Convert.ChangeType(), System.Runtime.Serialization.FormatterConverter.Convert(), System.Runtime.Serialization.IFormatterConverter.Convert()

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