

3-D format, changing, 230–234

3-D rotation settings, 224–229

32-bit API declarations, changing to 64-bit, 538

64-bit API declarations, changing 32-bit declarations to, 538


A1-style references, 127–128

About dialog, customizing, 541

AboutMrExcel() procedure, 541

above/below average cells, formatting, 383

absolute mode, 25

absolute references, 133

accelerator keys, displaying, 529

Access databases. See databases

Activate event, 187

active control, coloring, 530–532

ActiveFilters property, 289

ActiveX controls

attaching macros to, 583–584

right-click menu for, 360–362

ActiveX data objects. See ADO

Add method, 148–149, 442

Add3ColorScale() procedure, 375

AddAboveAverage method, 383

AddChart method, 203

AddControl event, 187, 195 ...

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