DeleteSetting Statement

Named Arguments



DeleteSetting appname[, section[, key]]


Use: Required

Data Type: String

The name of the application. This must be a subkey of the HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings registry key.


Use: Optional

Data Type: String

The name of the application key's subkey that is to be deleted. section can be a single key or a registry path separated with backslashes.


Use: Optional

Data Type: String

The name of the value entry to delete.


Deletes a complete application key, one of its subkeys, or a single value entry from the Windows registry.

Rules at a Glance

  • section can contain a relative path (similar to that used to describe the folders on a hard drive) to navigate from the application key to the subkey to be deleted. For example, to delete the value entry named TestKey in the registry key HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings\ RegTester\BranchOne\BranchTwo, you'd use:

    DeleteSetting "RegTester", "BranchOne\BranchTwo", _
  • You can't use DeleteSetting to delete entries from registry keys that aren't subkeys of HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\VB and VBA Program Settings.

  • If key is supplied, only the value entry named key and its associated value are deleted.

  • If key is omitted, the subkey named section is deleted.

  • If section is omitted, the entire application key named appname is deleted.


Sub TestTheReg() SaveSetting "MyRealGoodApp", _ "TestBranch\SomeSection\AnotherSection", ...

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