CVErr Function

Named Arguments





Use: Required

Data Type: Long

Any valid number.

Return Value

A Variant of subtype Error containing an application-defined error number.


Creates user-defined errors in user-created procedures. For example, you can use CVErr to pass back error codes from a function, which allows you to handle exceptions in the data rather than going to the full extent of raising an error and invoking full error-handling routines. While the difference may appear subtle, in practice the CVErr function offers a much more gentle approach to handling exceptions that aren't threatening to the stability of the application.

Rules at a Glance

The code CVErr(8001) returns "Error 8001."


Public Function GetValue(strText As String) As Variant

If IsNumeric(strText) Then
   GetValue = strText
   If GetValue <= 0 Then
      GetValue = CVErr(10001)
    End If
   GetValue = CVErr(10001)
End If
End Function

Private Sub Command1_Click()

Dim varNumber As Variant
Dim lngNumber As Long

varNumber = GetValue(Text1.Text)
If TypeName(varNumber) = "Error" Then
   lngNumber = 0
   MsgBox "Please enter a positive integer in the text box."
   lngNumber = varNumber
End If

End Sub

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • Although the return value from CVErr may appear to be a string, it is in fact a Variant of subtype Error. Take care, therefore, not to directly assign the return value of CVErr to a string variable, or to any other strongly typed variable. For ...

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