Private Statement

Named Arguments



Private [WithEvents] varname[([subscripts])] [As [New] _
        type] [, [WithEvents] varname[([subscripts])] _ 
        [As [New] type]] . . .


Use: Optional

Type: Keyword

A keyword that denotes the object variable varname can respond to events triggered from within the object to which it refers.


Use: Required

Data Type: Any

The name of the variable, following Visual Basic naming conventions.


Use: Optional

Data Type: Integer or Long

Denotes varname as an array and specifies the number and extent of array dimensions.


Use: Optional

Type: Keyword

Automatically creates an instance of the object referred to by the object variable varname.


Use: Optional

Data type of the variable varname.


Used at module level to declare a private variable and allocate the relevant storage space in memory.

Rules at a Glance

  • A Private variable's scope is limited to the module in which it's created.

  • WithEvents is only valid when used to declare an object variable. The WithEvents keyword informs VB that the object being referenced exposes events. When you declare an object variable using WithEvents, an entry for the object variable is placed in the code window's object list, and a list of the events available to the object variable is placed in its procedures list. You can then write code in the object variable's event handlers in the same way that you write other more common event handlers like Form_Load.

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