IsError Function

Named Arguments





Use: Required

Data Type: Variant

Variable to be evaluated to determine if its subtype is vbError.

Return Value

Boolean (True or False).


Determines whether expression is a valid error value.

Rules at a Glance

  • Use IsError only with variants. (Strongly typed variables can also be passed to IsError, but that's pointless; only variants have a vbError subtype and therefore have a chance of returning True.)

  • If the variant passed to IsError represents a valid error number, True is returned; otherwise, IsError returns False.


In this example, the SquarePositive function squares the values of only positive integers; if an integer isn't positive, the function returns a variant of subtype vbError:

Private Function SquarePositive(lngVal As Long) As Variant

If lngVal > 0 Then
   SquarePositive = lngVal ^ 2
   SquarePositive = CVErr(0)
End If

End Function

Private Sub cmdSquare_Click()

Dim varRetVal As Variant

If IsNumeric(txtNumber.Text) Then
   varRetVal = SquarePositive(CLng(txtNumber.Text))
   If IsError(varRetVal) Then
      MsgBox "Error: Enter a positive number!"
      txtNumber.Text = varRetVal
   End If
   txtNumber.Text = ""
End If

End Sub

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • You can create an error value by converting a real number using the CVErr function.

  • IsError evaluates the value returned by a function to determine whether the function executed without error, as the previous example shows.

See Also

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