Folders.Add Method (VB6)


oFoldersCollObj.Add newfoldername


Use: Required

Data Type: Folders collection object

Any object variable returning a Folders collection object.


Use: Required

Data Type: String

The name of the new folder.

Return Value

Folder object.


Creates a new folder. The location of the new folder is determined by the parent to which the Folders collection object belongs. For example, if you are calling the Add method from a Folders collection object that is a child of the root Folder object, the new folder is created in the root (i.e., it's added to the root's subfolders collection). For example:

Dim oFileSys As New FileSystemObject
Dim oRoot As Folder, oChild As Folder
Dim oRootFolders As Folders

Set oRoot = oFileSys.Drives("C").RootFolder
Set oRootFolders = oRoot.SubFolders
Set oChild = oRootFolders.Add("Downloads")

Rules at a Glance

You can't use a path specifier in newfoldername ; you can use only the name of the new folder.

See Also

FileSystemObject.CreateFolder Method

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