C.1. Arithmetic Operators


The addition operator. Used to add numeric expressions, as well as to concatenate (join together) two string variables. However, it's preferable to use the concatenation operator with strings to eliminate ambiguity.

Example: result = expression1 + expression2


The subtraction operator. Used to find the difference between two numeric values or expressions, as well as to denote a negative value. Unlike the addition operator, it can't be used with string variables.

Example: result = expression1 - expression2


The division operator. Returns a floating-point number.

Example: result = expression1 / expression2


The multiplication operator. Used to multiply two numerical values.

Example: result = expression1 * expression2


The integer division operator. Performs division on two numeric expressions and returns an integer result (no remainder or decimal places).

Example: result = expression1 \ expression2


The modulo operator. Performs division on two numeric expressions and returns only the remainder. If either of the two numbers is a floating-point number, it's rounded to an integer value prior to the modulo operation.

Example: result = expression1 Mod expression2


The exponentiation operator. Raises a number to the power of the exponent.

Example: result = number ^ exponent

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