
Err.GetException Method




Err.GetException(  )

Return Value

A System.Exception object or an object inherited from it containing the current exception


Returns the Exception object associated with the current exception

Rules at a Glance

  • The GetException method can be called at any time in a program.

  • If there is no exception, the method returns an uninitialized exception object (i.e., an object whose value is Nothing).


The following code renames a file:

Private Sub RenameFile(  )
Dim sOldName, sNewName As String
    sOldName = InputBox("Enter the file name to rename")
    sNewName = InputBox("Enter the new file name")
    Rename("c:\" & sOldName, "c:\" & sNewName)
Catch ex As Exception
    MsgBox(Err.GetException(  ).ToString)
    Exit Sub
End Try
End Sub

If the user inputs an invalid filename in the first input box, the result is the following message that displays information about the error:

System.IO.FileNotFoundException: File not found at
Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileSystem.Rename(String OldPath, String NewPath)
at WindowsApplication2.Form1.RenameFile(  ) in 
C:\Documents and Settings\sr\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\
ClipboardSave2\WindowsApplication2\Form1.vb:line 59

Programming Tips and Gotchas

  • The Err.GetException method can be used with the unstructured On Error Resume Next statement as well as with the Try...Catch...End Try structure.

  • Since GetException is a member of the Err object, its major application is to provide access to error ...

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