Using a Response File

The Visual Basic compiler also allows you to specify command-line options and settings from a text file or response file when you compile your program. The syntax is:

vbc @<file>

where <file> is the name of the response file, including its path if it is not located in the current directory. The response file simply contains source filenames and compiler options; it is interpreted as if the filenames and compiler switches were entered at the command line.

The syntax of a response file is quite simple. Multiple filenames or switches can be included on a single line. However, a single switch, option, or filename cannot span multiple lines. In addition, # serves as a comment symbol.

For example, a response file named mylib.rsp might appear as follows:

# Build the library

The compiler can then be invoked by entering the following at the command line:

vbc @mylib.rsp

A response file can be combined with switches and filenames entered at the command line, and multiple response files can be used. The compiler processes these items in the order in which they are encountered. This means that settings in a response file can be overridden by later specifying command-line options or that command-line settings can be overridden by later specifying a response filename. For example, the command line:

vbc libnumeric.vb @mylib.rsp /debug-

compiles a file named libnumeric.vb, in addition to the ...

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