
Ch. 1

1. A. D. Shocker, B. L. Bayus, and N. Kim, “Product Complements and Substitutes in the Real World: The Relevance of ‘Other Products,’” Journal of Marketing 68, no. 1, 28-40 (2004).

2. Joseph F. Porac, Howard Thomas, and Charles Baden-Fuller, “Competitive Groups as Cognitive Communities: The Case of Scottish Knitwear Manufacturers,” Journal of Management Studies 26, no. 4, 397-416 (1989): 406.

3. Amos Tversky, “Features of Similarity,” Psychological Review 84, no. 4, 327 (1977).

4. “Nike+iPod,” Apple Inc., http://www.apple.com/uk/ipod/nike/run.html.

5. “Topic: Nike Plus,” Appleinsider, http://www.appleinsider.com/topics/Nike_plus.html.

6. “Nike Redefines ‘Just Do It’ with New Campaign,” Nike Inc., http://nikeinc.com/news/nike-evolves-just-do-it-with-new-campaign ...

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