Additional Extensions

In addition to those interfaces and modules covered here, there are numerous other extensions and third-party packages available for SQLite. Some are simple but useful extensions, such as a complete set of mathematical functions. The best way to find these are through web searches, or by asking on the SQLite User’s mailing list. You can also start by having a look at for a list of some of the older code contributions.

In addition to database extensions, there are also several SQLite-specific tools and database managers available. In addition to the command-line shell, several GUI interfaces exist. One of the more popular is SQLite Manager, a Firefox extension available at

A small number of commercial extensions for SQLite also exist. As already discussed, some of the database drivers require a commercial license. Hwaci, Inc., (the company responsible for developing SQLite) offers two commercial extensions. The SQLite Encryption Extension (SEE) encrypts database pages as they are written to disk, effectively encrypting any database. The Compressed and Encrypted Read-Only Database (CEROD) extension goes further by compressing database pages. The compression reduces the size of the database file, but also makes the database read-only. This extension can be useful for distributing licensed data archives or reference materials. For more information on these extensions, see ...

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