Prepared Statements

Once a database connection is established, we can start to execute SQL commands. This is normally done by preparing and stepping through statements. Statements are held in sqlite3_stmt data structures.

Statement Life Cycle

The life cycle of a prepared statement is a bit complex. Unlike database connections, which are typically opened, used for some period of time, and then closed, a statement can be in a number of different states. A statement might be prepared, but not run, or it might be in the middle of processing. Once a statement has run to completion, it can be reset and re-executed multiple times before eventually being finalized and released.

The life cycle of a typical sqlite3_stmt looks something like this (in pseudo-code):

/* create a statement from an SQL string */
sqlite3_stmt *stmt = NULL;
sqlite3_prepare_v2( db, sql_str, sql_str_len, &stmt, NULL );

/* use the statement as many times as required */
while( ... )
    /* bind any parameter values */
    sqlite3_bind_xxx( stmt, param_idx, param_value... );

    /* execute statement and step over each row of the result set */
    while ( sqlite3_step( stmt ) == SQLITE_ROW )
        /* extract column values from the current result row */
        col_val = sqlite3_column_xxx( stmt, col_index );

    /* reset the statement so it may be used again */
    sqlite3_reset( stmt );
    sqlite3_clear_bindings( stmt );  /* optional */

/* destroy and release the statement */
sqlite3_finalize( stmt );
stmt = NULL;

The prepare process converts an SQL ...

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