

accepting revisions, 406–408

accessing paragraph-formatting tools, 112–113

activating reading statistics, 60


bibliographies, 363–364

bookmarks, 444–445

citations, 360–361

clip art to documents, 286–287

colored backgrounds to pages, 245–247

columns to tables, 192

commands to Quick Access toolbar, 454–458

envelopes to letters, 353–354

groups to tabs (Ribbon), 468–469

headings to outlines, 373–374

indexes to documents, 383

photos to documents, 284–285

rows to tables, 191–192

shapes to diagrams, 332–334

sources, 356–359

special characters and symbols, 35–37

style and effects, to graphics, 302–304

table of contents (TOC) to documents, 378–380


to documents, 27–28

to shapes, 308–309

to tables, 187–188

address lists, creating for ...

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