
13.1 4 LEDs are connected to upper nibble of PORT C. Design a touch screen based project with 4 boxes on the screen to represent each LED. Initially, all the LEDs should be OFF. Touching the box representing an LED should toggle the state of the corresponding LED.

13.2 Design an integer calculator using a touch screen GLCD. Your calculator should have the numeric keys 0 to 9, the basic four mathematical keys ‘+ − */’, and the ENTER key. A display should be provided to see the results of calculations.

13.3 Design a calculator to convert from °C to °F. Your calculator should have keys 0 to 9, and an ENTER key. A display should also be provided to show the results of conversions.

13.4 Design a touch screen based project for drawing rectangular shapes on the screen. The user should touch the top left and bottom right co-ordinates of the rectangle to be drawn, and the program should draw the required rectangle.

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