Conventions Used in This Handbook

Certain special characters on your keyboard are represented in the text in uppercase Constant Width, (e.g., TAB for the "tab" key). Other special characters are RETURN (sometimes labeled ENTER), ESC (sometimes labeled ESCAPE), DEL (sometimes labeled DELETE or RUBOUT), and BACKSPACE (which is the same as CTRL-H). Control characters, which you enter by holding down the CTRL (or CTL, or CONTROL) key and typing another key, are represented as CTRL-X, where X is some letter. (You might need the SHIFT key for non-alphabetic characters. For instance, if @ is on the same key as 2, you might have to hold down SHIFT to type CTRL-@.)

This book uses the following typographical conventions:


Used for UNIX commands, filenames, and variables.

Constant Width

Used in examples to show the contents of files or the output from commands. Constant Width is also used to indicate commands you type.

Constant Bold

Used in examples to show interaction between you and the shell. The text that you type is shown in Constant Bold. For example:

% chsh                      Run the change-shell command
Old shell: /bin/csh         chsh displays your current shell
New shell: /bin/tcsh        Type in the shell you want to use instead

Constant Italic

Used in examples to represent dummy parameters that should be replaced with an actual value.

Used to show the position of the cursor on a command line. For example, the cursor is positioned on the asterisk in the following command:

% sed -e 's/^ //' datafile


Used in examples to show where you need to type a special character. In the following example, you type a CTRL-V and a TAB between the quotes:

% grep "CTRL-VTAB" myfile

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