
Page numbers followed by f indicates a figure and t indicates a table.


About Face (Cooper and Reimann), 165
Accessibility, 154–155
Adidas-Group, 86
Aeron chair, 85
Amazon Kindle, 10, 11
Amazon research, 83
Android software, 73f
Apple, 70
environmental footprint, 26f
product emissions distribution, 71f
sustainability initiative, 177–179, 178f
Autodesk Sustainability Toolbox, 15


Baggu bag, 10, 10f
Baggu, 10, 10f
paper and plastic, 8–10, 8f
Bamboo’s sustainable production, 19
Band-Aid approach, 108
Biodegradable materials, 21
Biodegradable plastic bags, 9
Biological nutrient cycle, 56
Biomimicry (aka biomimetics), 21, 33, 39, 41–52
benefits and shortcomings of, 51–52
design process, 49–51
principles, ...

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