


Part One: Ease of Use

Chapter One: Functional

The three keys to functionality

From click to conversion: making sure the buttons work

Browser wars, hardware headaches

Don’t sweat the home page. Fine-tune your forms.

Four keys to creating functional forms

Required fields

Forms and business rules

Interdependent forms

Instructions and functionality

Navigation: Getting folks where they want to go

My crappy new TV

Understand your goals and keep them in focus

A true story about a fairy tale

Functionality can change over time

A complaint is a gift

Chapter Two: Responsive

The myth of two-way communication

Three traditional keys to responsiveness

A fourth view: “Responsive design”

“Wake up, you stupid machine!”

FUD: Fear, uncertainty, doubt

A closer look at transitional techniques

Transitional techniques and physical objects

Response mechanisms in the online environment

Response mechanisms in physical objects

Chapter Three: Ergonomic

Henry Dreyfuss: Introducing ergonomics to industrial design

Buttons: Why bigger sometimes is better

Milliseconds count

Bring on the scientists

“First word after the bullet”

Tabs and other keyboard shortcuts

Provide clearance

“Go to the back of the line”

Improve work organization

Eric and the IRS

The “silent usher”

Chapter Four: Convenient

Giving inconvenience a positive spin

Eric’s advice for the lovelorn

Multimodal experiences

Switching routines

Why I hate calling my bank

Switching interfaces

Switching from on- to offline

Unfamiliar ...

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