Acronyms and Abbreviations

ACM    Association for Computing Machinery

ACTD    Advanced Concept Technology Demonstration

AI    Artificial Intelligence

AJAX    Asynchronous JavaScript and XML

AmbI/AmI    Ambient Intelligence

ANSI    American National Standards Institute (US)

ATM (i)    Air Traffic Management

ATM (ii)    Automatic Teller Machine

BCC    Biometric Consortium Conference

BCS    British Computer Society (UK)

BLS    Bureau of Labor Statistics (US)

BSI    British Standards Institute (UK)

CBC    Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (Canada)

CBP    Customs and Border Protection (US)

CBRNE    Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear. Explosives events

CCTT    Close Combat Tactical Trainer

CFP    Call for Proposals

CFT    Call for Tenders ...

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