The scientific notation

This is a method in which we can easily write very large or significantly small numbers without having to express the entire length of the number, meaning writing a bunch of zeroes. The use of scientific notation is not very common when you use Unreal Engine 4 as a designer or an artist, but as a programmer or a technical designer who uses blueprints or even C++ coding in the engine, the use of scientific notation can deem itself useful.

Let's take a look at some examples of both large and small numbers that are expressed in their scientific notation. To keep things as simple as possible, these examples will use the base of 10 for ease of clarity:

  • 1,000 (1 thousand) – 1 * 10^3
  • 100,000 (1 hundred thousand) – 1 * 10^5
  • 1,000,000 ...

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