Converting with units

Do you always forget how many drams there are in an ounce? Never fear. The units utility makes converting measurements a snap. See Code Listing 15.4 to learn how to convert with units.

Code Listing 15.4. Use the units utility to find out how to convert from anything to anything else—really!
[jdoe@frazz bin]$ units
1948 units, 71 prefixes, 28 functions

You have: inch
You want: feet
        * 0.083333333
        / 12
You have:
[jdoe@frazz bin]$

To Convert with units:

units At the shell prompt, type units. The Unix system will prompt you with “You have:” as shown in Code Listing 15.4.
inch Enter the units you’re starting with. You’ll then be prompted with “You want:”
feet Enter the kind of units you want, and watch with amazement ...

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