Lab 43: Getting Started

1:What process puts the login prompt on your screen?
2:What process assigns values to HOME, LOGNAME, and PATH?
3:How do you know what shell you are using?
4:What command will allow you to change your login shell?
5:Where is your login shell assigned? (What file?)
6:Explain the difference between the /etc/profile and ~/.bash_profile file.
7:Which one is executed first?
8:Edit your .bash_profile file as follows:
  1. Welcome the user.

  2. Add your home directory to the path if it is not there.

  3. Set erase to the Backspace key using stty.

  4. Type source.bash_profile. What is the function of the source command?

9:What is the BASH_ENV file? When is it executed?
10:What is the default primary prompt?
  1. Change the prompt to include ...

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