


frame frame-numframeaddress

Select or print information about the current stack frame (function invocation). Frame zero is the innermost (most recent) stack frame. With no arguments, print the current stack frame. With a frame-num, move to that frame. This is the most common kind of argument. An address argument may be used to select the frame at the given address. This is necessary if the chaining of stack frames has been damaged by a bug. Some architectures may require more than one address.


Move up the call stack toward an older function:

    (gdb) where
    #0  do_print (tree=0x83579e0) at builtin.c:1573
    #1  0x08087bef in interpret (tree=0x83579e0) at eval.c:784
    #2  0x08086b68 in interpret (tree=0x8357980) at eval.c:453
    #3  0x08072804 in main (argc=2, argv=0xbfeb8584) at main.c:584
    (gdb) frame 2
    #2  0x08086b68 in interpret (tree=0x8357980) at eval.c:453
    453                       (void) interpret(tree->rnode);

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