


/usr/sbin/removef [options] pkginst path ...
/usr/sbin/removef [options] -fpkginst

removef updates the installation database with a list of pathnames that are about to be removed. The resulting output is a list of files that may be safely removed (i.e., for which there are no dependencies from other packages). This command is useful in scripts that are run when packages are removed; for example, removing device files created upon package installation.

Like installf, this command should be invoked twice; the first time before removing any files, and the second time, with the -f option, to indicate that the removal has indeed taken place. See also installf.



Indicate that removal is complete (final).


Do not use $root_path/etc/vfstab for determining a client’s mount points. Rather, assume that the mount points are correct on the server.

-R root-path

Remove files from under root-path. This is used on server systems when installing packages for clients.

-V vfstab-file

Use vfstab-file instead of $root_path/etc/vfstab when installing files. This is primarily useful on a server removing software for a client, where the client’s /etc/vfstab file is not available or is incorrect.

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