


    pushd [options] name
    pushd [options] +n

The first form changes the working directory to name and adds it to the directory stack. The second form rotates the nth entry to the beginning, making it the working directory. (Entry numbers begin at zero.) With no arguments, pushd switches the first two entries and changes to the new current directory.

The -l, -n, and -v options behave the same as in popd. See also dirs and popd.


% dirs
    /home/bob /usr
    % pushd /etc           
                     Add /etc to directory stack
    /etc /home/bob /usr
    % pushd +2             
                     Switch to third directory
    /usr /etc /home/bob
    % pushd                
                     Switch top two directories
    /etc /usr /home/bob
    % popd                 
                     Discard current entry; go to next
    /usr /home/bob

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