


    java [options] classname [args]
    java [options] -jar jarfile [args]

Load and execute Java bytecode class files. By default, java uses the “Just In Time” ( JIT) compiler for the current system. args are passed on to the Java program’s main() method.



Load the native agent library lib, optionally passing options to it.


Use path to load a native agent library by full path.


Use the Java HotSpot Client VM.

-cppath, -classpathpath

Use the colon-separated list of directories in path instead of $CLASSPATH to find class files. It is usually a good idea to have the current directory (“.”) on the search path.

-d32, -d64

Specify a 32- or 64-bit environment, respectively. On 64-bit systems, 64 bits is the default. Otherwise, the 32-bit environment is used.

-dsa, -disablesystemassertions

Disable assertions in all system classes.

-D prop = val

Redefine the value of prop to be val. This option may be used any number of times.

-esa, -enablesystemassertions

Enable assertions in all system classes.

-jar jarfile

Invoke the main() method of the class listed in the Main-Class manifest header in jarfile.


Use jarpath to load a Java agent.


Use the Java HotSpot Server VM.


Display version information and continue running.


With item, display information about that item. Possible values for item are class, to print a message to standard output each time a class file is loaded;

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