


    whocalls [options] function program [arguments ...]

Run program with the given arguments. Using facilities of the dynamic loader show which functions call the named function. See also sotruss and truss.


-l wholib

Use wholib instead of the standard Link-Auditing library.


Use the .symtab symbol table in the ELF file for local symbol tables instead of the default .dynsym symbol table. This is more expensive but can provide more detailed stack tracing information.


Show use of write(2) system call:

    $ cat dontpanic.c                       
                     Show program code
    #include <unistd.h>

    int main(void)
            (void) write(1, "Don't panic!\n", 13);
            return 0;
    $ cc dontpanic.c -O -o dontpanic       
                     Compile program
    $ whocalls write dontpanic             
                     Run with whocalls
    write(0x1, 0x80506cc, 0xd)             Output from whocalls
    Don't panic!Output from dontpanic

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