
First of all I would like to thank VERITAS for allowing me to work a 4-day week for more than a year, while spending Fridays working on this book. In particular, my manager, Ashvin Kamaraju, showed considerable patience, always leaving it to my judgement to balance book time and work time. He finally gets those Fridays back!

Next I would like to thank Marianne Lent who reviewed the book from a technical perspective but also helped to make it more readable. Thanks also to Pat Carri for help on FrameMaker.

Dheer Moghe reviewed the chapter on clustered filesystems and Amit Kale was gracious enough to allow me to steal his makefiles which I used for uxfs.

Finally, I would like to thank my better half, Eleanor, for her patience over the last 18 months. It will certainly be nice for The book not to dominate the conversation. Well, until the next one!

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