1 Also known as mere exposure effect, repetition-validity effect, frequency-validity effect, truth effect, and repetition effect.

2 The seminal application of the exposure effect was in early 20th-century propaganda—see, for example, Adolf Hitler: A Chilling Tale of Propaganda by Max Arthur and Joseph Goebbels, Trident Press International, 1999. The seminal empirical work on the exposure effect is “Attitudinal Effects of Mere Exposure” by Robert Zajonc, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology Monographs, vol. 9(2), p. 1–27.

3 See, for example, “Exposure and Affect: Overview and Meta-Analysis of Research, 1968–1987” by Robert F. Bornstein, Psychological Bulletin, 1989, vol. (106), p. 265–289.

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