A human trampoline

Now, you'll get to jump on the trampoline yourself.

Feature: When a first-person character hits a trampoline, it bounces up, diminished by gravity.

Like a brick

One approach towards implementing this feature could be to treat the MeMyselfEye first-person character like Brick and give it a Rigidbody and a Capsule Collider so that it can respond using physics. We'll try this first just to see whether it works. For this to work, we need to disable its Character Controller component and start at the brick's position above the trampoline so that we can just drop, as follows:

  1. Navigate to File | Save Scene As and name it HumanTrampoline.
  2. Delete Brick in Hierarchy; we won't need it.
  3. With MeMyselfEye selected in Hierarchy, set Position

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