Using RPCs

RPCs are useful for single, self-contained messages that need to be sent, such as a character firing a gun, or a player saying something in chat.

In Unity, RPCs are methods marked with the [RPC] attribute. This can be called by name via networkView.RPC( "methodName", … ). For example, the following script prints to the console on all machines when the space key is pressed.

using UnityEngine; using System.Collections; public class ExampleUnityNetworkCallRPC : MonoBehavior { void Update() { // important – make sure not to run if this networkView is notours if( !networkView.isMine ) return; // if space key is pressed, call RPC for everybody if( Input.GetKeyDown( KeyCode.Space ) ) networkView.RPC( "testRPC", RPCMode.All ); } [RPC] void testRPC( ...

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