Installing Python and TensorFlow on Windows

The fastest way to install Python and TensorFlow in Windows is by using the Anaconda distribution (

Anaconda comes by default with the latest version of Python (3.7 at the time of this writing), which is not compatible with the ML-Toolkit. Don't worry—after you install Anaconda, you can force Python 3.6 with the conda install python=3.6 command.
  1. Go on the Anaconda's website and download Anaconda.
  2. After the installation, open the Anaconda Prompt command line and type:
conda create -n ml-agents python=3.6

With this command, we create an Anaconda environment for the ML-Agents Toolkit. We call this new environment ml-agents and we will use Python 3.6.

  1. If you get a message ...

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