Time for action – boy O boy

Unity doesn't have a Tube primitive that we can use to create the O player piece, but we can use the Cylinder primitive to create an "un-holey" approximation.

  1. Create a Cylinder.
  2. Rename it as O.
  3. Scale it to 3.5,0.5,3.5.
    Time for action – boy O boy
  4. Add a Box Collider to the Cylinder (by navigating to Component | Physics | Box Collider). Unity asks if you want to replace the existing Capsule Collider with a Box Collider. Yes you do!
  5. Add a Rigidbody Component.
  6. Position the O at 0,0,0.
  7. Create a Prefab and name it O.
  8. Drag the O GameObject inside the O Prefab.
  9. Delete the O GameObject from the Hierarchy panel.

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