Time for action – apocalypse now?

Enough prattle. It's bomb time!

  1. Create a new JavaScript and name it Bomb. Drop it in the Scripts folder if you're keeping things tidy.
  2. Open up the script and type the following code:
    function Update()
      transform.position.y -= 50 * Time.deltaTime;
      if(transform.position.y < 0)
        transform.position.y = 50;
        transform.position.x = Random.Range(0,60);
        transform.position.z = -16;

We've seen these keywords before, so there should be no surprises here. On every update cycle, move the bomb down in the y axis by 50 units per second:

transform.position.y -= 50 * Time.deltaTime;

If the bomb has fallen through the floor:

if(transform.position.y < 0) {

pop the bomb back up to the top of the apartment building:

transform.position.y ...

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