Time for action – commencing operation pie clock

Let's lay down some code to make those half-circle pieces rotate.

  1. Set up a conditional statement so that we can draw different things before and after the halfway point:
      GUI.DrawTexture(clockRect, back, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, true,
       } else {
  2. If we're not past halfway, rotate the GUI around the centerPoint. Draw the right side half-circle piece on top of the rotated GUI. Then, rotate the GUI back to its start position:
    } else {
      GUIUtility.RotateAroundPivot(-rot, centerPoint);
      GUI.DrawTexture(clockRect, rightSide, ScaleMode.StretchToFill, true, 0);
      GUI.matrix = startMatrix;
  3. Save the script and test your game. You should see the right side half-circle ...

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