Time for action – creating the countdown logic

Let's set the startTime variable, and build the logic to handle the counting-down functionality of our clock.

  1. Set the startTime variable:
    function Awake() {
       startTime = Time.time + 5.0;


    Five seconds to beat the game is a bit ridiculous. We're just keeping the time tight for testing. You can crank this variable up later.

  2. Decrease the amount of time on the clock:
    function DoCountdown()
       timeRemaining = startTime - Time.time;   
  3. If the clock hits zero, pause the clock and call the TimeIsUp() function:
    timeRemaining = startTime - Time.time;
    if (timeRemaining < 0)
        timeRemaining = 0;
        clockIsPaused = true;
  4. Add some Debug statements so that you can see something happening:
    function DoCountdown() ...

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