Time for action – building the card-flipping function

The game will let the player flip over two cards. Then, it will pause for a brief moment and flip the cards back over. We'll worry about detecting matches for our grand finale in just a moment.

  1. Add the following code to your FlipCardFaceUp function:
       function FlipCardFaceUp(card:Card)
         card.isFaceUp = true;
         if(aCardsFlipped.Count == 2)
           playerCanClick = false;
           yield WaitForSeconds(1);
           aCardsFlipped[0].isFaceUp = false;
           aCardsFlipped[1].isFaceUp = false;
           aCardsFlipped = new List.<Card>();
           playerCanClick = true;
  2. Then, make a small change to one line in the BuildGrid function:
     if(playerCanClick) ...

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